Hello, I am

Zafar Mahmood Waris

Data Scientist | Python Developer

Who am I ?

A Data Scientist | Python Developer Located In Darbhanga, Bihar, India

Personal Info

  • DOB : 07/21/1996
  • Email-ID : zmwaris0@gmail.com
  • Phone : +91 (87893) 65851
  • Address : Darbhanga, Bihar, India - 846003

My Expertise

Data Science

Python, EDA, ML, DL, Neural Networks, Computer Vision, NLP.

Web Development

Python, Django, Cloud, Docker, Linux, Flask, HTML, CSS.

Data Analytics

Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PowerBI, MySQL.

My Resume

Experience + Internship

10/2022 - 11/2022

Data Science Project Intern


  • View Certificate

  • 07/2022 - 09/2022

    CAE Intern

    Simulation Lab.

  • View Certificate

  • 07/2021 - 08/2022

    Subject Matter Expert

    Chegg India Pvt. Ltd.

  • View Certificate

  • 2020 - 2021

    Graduate Enginner Trainee

    Endurance Technologies Pvt. Ltd..

  • View Certificate
  • Education

    2015 - 2019

    B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

    Greater Noida Institute of Technology, 68.68%

  • View Certificate

  • 2013 - 2014

    Higher Secondary

    Woodbine Modern School, 79.8%

  • View Certificate

  • 2011 - 2012

    Secondary School Certificate

    Woodbine Modern School, 9.6 CGPA

  • View Certificate
  • Skills

    HTML5 & CSS3
    Machine Learning


    1. Scientific Computing with Python - freeCodeCamp.org

      Oct 2022
    2. Machine Learning with Python - freeCodeCamp.org

      Oct 2022
    3. Data Warehousing/ETL - Triplebyte

      Oct 2022
    4. Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship - KPMG

      Oct 2022
    5. Software Engineering Virtual Experience - JP Morgan Chase & Co.

      Oct 2022
    6. Microsoft Certified-Azure AI Fundamentals - Microsoft

      Dec 2022
    Scientific Computing with Python - freeCodeCamp.org
    Oct 2022
    Machine Learning with Python - freeCodeCamp.org
    Oct 2022
    Data Warehousing/ETL - Triplebyte
    Oct 2022
    Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship - KPMG
    Oct 2022
    Software Engineering Virtual Experience - JP Morgan Chase & Co.
    Oct 2022
    Microsoft Certified-Azure AI Fundamentals - Microsoft
    Oct 202
    Crop Disease Detection

    Crop Disease Detection using Computer Vision

    Built an app where we use images of the infected leaves of the crop to detect the type of disease using Computer Vision. Used Keras for image preprocessing, augmentation, rescaling. Used CNN architecture for reading image and training the model. Used Keras Tuner and employed different optimizers like SGD, Mini-Batch SGD, RMSProp and Adam an finally used Adam for model building with highest accuracy of 82%.

    Text Data Summarizer using HuggingFace Api

    Text Data Summarizer using HuggingFace Api

    This is my NLP project where i have used huggingface pretrained model api in order to summarize the text content.I have build end to end website using flask api where user can easily get high quality text summaries they required.Iam also trying to build my own custom tranformers for training my nlp models.

    Book Recommendation

    Book Recommendation System

    Book recommendation system based on collaborative filtering using the name of the book and ratings given by users. Employed cosine similarity metric to measure user-item & item-item similarities using Pivot table. Built an end-to-end application using Flask and deployed using Docker and GitHub Actions as CI/CD pipeline on Heroku Cloud.

    Flight Fare Prediction

    Flight Fare Prediction System

    Built a Flight Fare prediction system using Supervised Learning and Regression models on flight dataset from Indian Airlines. Employed feature engineering techniques like One-Hot Encoding and Label Encoding to deal with categorical data. Employed Random Forest Regressor with Hyperparameter tuning to achieve an R2-score of 81%. Deployed an end-to-end application to Heroku cloud developed using Flask.

    Customer Segmentation

    Online Retail Customer Segmentation

    Built a clustering model using K-means to identify major customer segments. Applied feature engineering to obtain new features such as Recency, Frequency, Monetary and RFM score for getting more details about the customer. Obtained optimal number of clusters using Silhouette Analysis, Elbow method and visual inspection of Dendrogram from Hierarchical clustering.

    Learning Log

    Learning Log Web App Using Django

    Used Django for the Web App Development. Keeping track of your daily activities is an impossible task when you have so much to do and there is not enough time to think about what is needed to be done. This learning log is a web application to do just the right thing. Using this you can perform and track you activities for present and make future plans and time them according to your comfort. Using this app is easy. You just have to login and you are good to go. The best part is your data is never shared with anyone. Your data is only available to you and will remain until you decide to remove it.

    Get in touch

    Phone :
    +91 (87893) 65851
    Address :
    Darbhanga, Bihar, India - 846003
    Email :